Leadership4us looks to engage the minds and hearts of readers all over London and around the world, our first book offering of many to come:
Am I a leader? the journey
A versatile take on leadership, narrated by someone who has been on both sides, follower at start have spent past 15-20 years on leadership roles, this book is complemented with practical exercises to support and develop your leadership skills.
Aimed at stimulating reader's minds and hearts, driving individuals into a journey of self-discovery and invigoration, feeling energised and compelled to seek personal development on various areas of your live, however focused on missing leadership and interpersonal skills.
This book contains 60% narrative and 40% practical exercises to support individual continuous development, this is a journey, no destination, self development is continuous
By completing suggested exercises you will realise the potential you have released and the fact this is just the beginning, this journey is one you should continuously walk, endlessly
"One team, One dream! Live it, breath it and your team will believe in it, the dream will flourish and an opportunity will rise."
ATA 26/11/17
“If only there was a chance man could see what goes on other’s mind, he would change his ways, and eradicate the arrogance.”
ATA 31/03/19
The Ideal Gift: Sometimes all we need is a push, a word of advice, a light, a SIGN.
This book can be the perfect gift to yourself, a friend, family member, or partner, to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, holiday, or simply because you believe they need a push on self-development and leadership skills.
Written with passion, with honesty, from experience and intends to provide guidance, mental strength and clarity, something that other leadership books will not do, with 40% of the content being actual exercises to engage your mind.
We all have always looked up to someone, now make it about yourself, we aim to have 99.9% satisfied customers, improved and recommending customers.
Would like to change your current take on leadership or follower duties within a team, after all leadership is not and shall not be about authority, it is more about responsibility, accountability, delivering the self-assurance and confidence missing to support the tackling of current dilemas.
For any questions or problem please feel free to ask, contact us at anytime. Thanks.